Blog from 31 August 2010
I'm 2/3rds through my challenge to run 10k everyday for a year in aid of cancer research.
It is fair to say the enormity of the challenge, the commitment and drive needed to finish it has become very apparent to me as I passed halfway. I've realised it is easy to start something, plan it out and believe you can motivate yourself to finish it – but it is even harder to actually see it through. As I've mentioned before, I have always created steps to break up and make a path of bit sized pieces that when put together become your goals, aims and dreams. However true this is, I found the halfway point the hardest time to stick to the path and plans set out. I've realised through all my planning and I have brushed aside a factor that I passed off as not being important or easily be able to handle – doubt.
Doubt to me has been an itch that is difficult to scratch, an itch of the mind which like all itches starts off very faint and when ignoring it only helps make it grow. The very fact that I'm ignoring an itch means I'm thinking about it until it wears me down.
Like all itches they can start from all sorts of things, for me it was almost straight after halfway through this challenge when an innocent thought popped into my head, “will the effort and sacrifice of this challenge be equal or worth the donation given?” which became over time “is it worth it?” Again like almost all itches they are resolved by either the use of an object or person, with doubt it has been same; in this case the scratch was an injection of a little magic.
I use magic as a phrase to describe the spark to fuel motivation and drive to influence my attitude. The fun and excitement that had been so present at the start needed igniting and it came in the form of those supporting (2 specific people) and focusing on: lifting my head in each run to embrace the beautiful scenery, the importance of each landmark, to involve all those following and supporting.
As if by 'magic' I was touched by 2 people over the last 6 weeks, a woman of pentioning age with limited resource insisted on donating and a 84 year old man who had heard about this challenge in February, saved up and came to visit to make his large donation.
Over the last 6 weeks I've come to value and realise the importance of adding MAGIC and should that 'doubt' return what to use to scratch it.
How you can help:
Share & Spread the word of the challenge to friends and relatives to join/like the Facebook page – the greater width of contacts:
[a] the greater interest & chance of corporates donating generously and
[b] if the audience was big enough and everyone bought a drink the total of these small amounts would be enormous!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Reality sets in...
Blog from 19th July2 weeks after the halfway point and now having covered 2000km in my challenge to 10k everyday for a year, I suddenly realise the task I set myself.
Completing 6 months of the challenge was a major thing for me. Everything in the challenge until that point was new and unknown, so I'd never given much thought to what would happen in the second half of my year.
The second half of the challenge should be easier but the reality its looking difficult. I'd developed a view leading up to 6 months that after meeting this landmark I's know what to expect and efforts needed to 'easily' do the next 6. I suddenly recognised the first ¼ of the challenge was the honeymoon quarter, everything new and exciting. The 2/4 was spring, races and looking forward to halfway, enough to keep me going. However the ¾ is nothing or void, no specific goal or anything standing out – only hot & humid and a wait for finishing quarter, 4/4.
Other things have come to mind at this stage, like I can't just stop running I'll need an exist plan – the challenge has conditioned me to consuming 2.5 times a normal amount per day; stopping would see me gain weight very quickly. In addition and at times like this, its not hard to get distracted and down heartened by the donations. Having spoken with the charity, Cancer Research who advised to keep focused on the event and the majority of donations usually follow the completion of the activity.
So, I think the second half of this challenge is going to be difficult to keep motivated and above all, keep my mind from wondering and worrying.
How you can help:
Share & Spread the word of the challenge to friends and relatives to join/like the Facebook page – the greater width of contacts:
[a] the greater interest & chance of corporates donating generously and
[b] if the audience was big enough and everyone bought a drink the total of these small amounts would be enormous!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
Completing 6 months of the challenge was a major thing for me. Everything in the challenge until that point was new and unknown, so I'd never given much thought to what would happen in the second half of my year.
The second half of the challenge should be easier but the reality its looking difficult. I'd developed a view leading up to 6 months that after meeting this landmark I's know what to expect and efforts needed to 'easily' do the next 6. I suddenly recognised the first ¼ of the challenge was the honeymoon quarter, everything new and exciting. The 2/4 was spring, races and looking forward to halfway, enough to keep me going. However the ¾ is nothing or void, no specific goal or anything standing out – only hot & humid and a wait for finishing quarter, 4/4.
Other things have come to mind at this stage, like I can't just stop running I'll need an exist plan – the challenge has conditioned me to consuming 2.5 times a normal amount per day; stopping would see me gain weight very quickly. In addition and at times like this, its not hard to get distracted and down heartened by the donations. Having spoken with the charity, Cancer Research who advised to keep focused on the event and the majority of donations usually follow the completion of the activity.
So, I think the second half of this challenge is going to be difficult to keep motivated and above all, keep my mind from wondering and worrying.
How you can help:
Share & Spread the word of the challenge to friends and relatives to join/like the Facebook page – the greater width of contacts:
[a] the greater interest & chance of corporates donating generously and
[b] if the audience was big enough and everyone bought a drink the total of these small amounts would be enormous!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
charity work,
Tim Bridle
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Blog from 2 July 2010
To be halfway through my challenge to run 10k everyday is an exhilarating feeling, at this point I'd have burnt roughly 200k kcalories, worn out 3 pairs of shoes, lost nearly 3 stone and done what many 'experienced' runners told me couldn't be done.
The halfway run has been a special time, it was an early live run on BBC Radio Lincolnshire where I did 2 x 5km on a circuit around town (Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK). Later on in the day News reporters from East Midlands TV News and BBC Look North TV News came to capture the day. The challenge is in aid of Cancer Research and the aim has been to do something to not only capture people imaginations but bring attention and support to the fight against cancer.
Despite how special getting to halfway my be for me doing the challenge, at the same time I'm feeling a little empty and rejected. There's two reasons for this: [a] one of the measures on the challenge is always going to be sponsorship and [b] the challenge is not like conventional running and as such 80% of the time I run alone.
The later is an aspect I didn't think would occur and therefore have a negative impact on the challenge. This honest comment about running alone is not a dig as I have enjoyed every run with people (social or serious runners) and clubs I met so far. It's an understandable but unexpected bi-product - usually runners like to perform and run a good time over a distance therefore warm ups & warm downs are separate, 15 to 20 mins long before & after a run. Also, performance or goal & targeted running means covering the distance 'in a good time' and usually finishing fast. All these aspects are detrimental to this challenge and as a result are the main reasons why many said this could not be done and why I run mostly alone; therefore contributing to the empty, rejected and outsider feelings.
To be honest and outside the fact I'm doing it everyday, I've noticed 'generally' that serious runners have showed distant interest coming to few runs at the beginning as its not a 'real' or conventional run for them; clubs “beginners”, social and target or goal runners have been more consistent however few can cover the distance and these runs include warm ups & downs outside the run; making it difficult time wise; then there's me - I'm squeezing the 10k in around work and family so I'm not that consistent when I am running, except everyday!
On the sponsorship point, its hard not to compare the sponsorship whilst still in the challenge and not thinking about the level of effort to the level of sponsorship. I have to continually remind myself that sponsorship is mostly awarded after the event, but logic doesn't always prevail and being such a long event I often find myself reflecting on this wondering if this will all be worth while.
So I'm Halfway then, well I may have made half the physical distance, but in reality I am only 4% of the journey with the cause (sponsorship) at this point.
I've not said this outright and I think halfway is a good time to say it:
The challenge is also making a subtle point, that doing a little bit everyday can add up to a considerable change or more boldly, don't be scared and hold back dreams because they look enormous – plan lots of little steps you can achieve and you'll reach them; or at least that's what I'm trying to do.
How you can help:
Share & Spread the word of the challenge to friends and relatives to join/like the Facebook page – the greater width of contacts:
[a] the greater interest & chance of corporates donating generously and
[b] if the audience was big enough and everyone bought a drink the total of these small amounts would be enormous! I'm not saying I want loads of drinks or buy me drink (cancer research would not be happy about that) but a donation at the value of a drink collectively makes a difference.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
Thursday, 12 August 2010
No rest for the wicked...
Blog from 30th June
Last week was a holiday week for me in Scotland and a difficult aspect of the challenge.
Next to where I was staying was a 3 mile professional Horse Racing training track and as there's no trespassing laws in Scotland I decided to run the course each day.
Despite the hill training the week before preparing for Scotland, this training course was 50% harder. The ground was kept soft for the prize animals that used it, each step sunk 3 inches making it worse than running on sand; the hills were a lot steeper too. Returning home this week then was infact a holiday compared to running in Scotland!
But this week is a tipping moment and big land mark for me personally, Friday 2nd July is 183 consecutive days running in my challenge of doing 10k everyday and exactly half way.
Until now this has not been possible to truly gauge what could be done, at 1/4 of the journey I was thinking I've got to do that 3 more times, 1/3 of the distance was the hardest time but I still had twice what I'd done before. I can now look back and think positively at the remaining days to say, I know what to expect and I can do another 6 months.
I am very thankful for the contributions given so far, there has been exceptionally nice comments and support presented however sponsorship has been slow £788 on a target of £20,000.
In hind sight I can understand some of it, as a year is a long time and therefore what ever the good intentions are it could not happen. Therefore I also hope the half way is a tipping point for sponsorship, answering the question of 'can it be done' with I've done 6 months already and know the effort needed to complete the job... my only dread is food poisoning!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
Last week was a holiday week for me in Scotland and a difficult aspect of the challenge.
Next to where I was staying was a 3 mile professional Horse Racing training track and as there's no trespassing laws in Scotland I decided to run the course each day.
Despite the hill training the week before preparing for Scotland, this training course was 50% harder. The ground was kept soft for the prize animals that used it, each step sunk 3 inches making it worse than running on sand; the hills were a lot steeper too. Returning home this week then was infact a holiday compared to running in Scotland!
But this week is a tipping moment and big land mark for me personally, Friday 2nd July is 183 consecutive days running in my challenge of doing 10k everyday and exactly half way.
Until now this has not been possible to truly gauge what could be done, at 1/4 of the journey I was thinking I've got to do that 3 more times, 1/3 of the distance was the hardest time but I still had twice what I'd done before. I can now look back and think positively at the remaining days to say, I know what to expect and I can do another 6 months.
I am very thankful for the contributions given so far, there has been exceptionally nice comments and support presented however sponsorship has been slow £788 on a target of £20,000.
In hind sight I can understand some of it, as a year is a long time and therefore what ever the good intentions are it could not happen. Therefore I also hope the half way is a tipping point for sponsorship, answering the question of 'can it be done' with I've done 6 months already and know the effort needed to complete the job... my only dread is food poisoning!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Its a lonely road...
Blog from 8th June 2010
Tomorrow, 9th June, is 1600km or 1000miles covered in my challenge to run 10k everyday through 2010 for cancer research.
Having completed 159 consecutive days running I'm surprised to find the challenge is lonely even though there's plenty out and about running.
I've meet many people, made many new friends and had some great experiences through the challenge but I hadn't expected to feel so much as an outsider as I do.
The reasons are simply the distance is a bit daunting for friends especially during the week days to join in and the techniques and tactics for the challenge are different to conventional running when club and group running. The reality therefore is that this challenge has made me some what of an outsider.
The statement is merely an observation of the challenge that I had never thought or considered. Equally, as mentioned in the blog on “me time” I do value space and time alone – but I'm not just talking about a physical loneliness, but empathy too.
Therefore I've been thankful of facebook and friends for their comments and remarks in passing. The little landmarks and changes are a big plus for me in the challenge.
This week then sees two: [1] 1000miles completed and [2] Adidas and Lincolnshire Runner in Lincoln are sponsoring a new pair of shoes.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on FaceBook simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
Tomorrow, 9th June, is 1600km or 1000miles covered in my challenge to run 10k everyday through 2010 for cancer research.
Having completed 159 consecutive days running I'm surprised to find the challenge is lonely even though there's plenty out and about running.
I've meet many people, made many new friends and had some great experiences through the challenge but I hadn't expected to feel so much as an outsider as I do.
The reasons are simply the distance is a bit daunting for friends especially during the week days to join in and the techniques and tactics for the challenge are different to conventional running when club and group running. The reality therefore is that this challenge has made me some what of an outsider.
The statement is merely an observation of the challenge that I had never thought or considered. Equally, as mentioned in the blog on “me time” I do value space and time alone – but I'm not just talking about a physical loneliness, but empathy too.
Therefore I've been thankful of facebook and friends for their comments and remarks in passing. The little landmarks and changes are a big plus for me in the challenge.
This week then sees two: [1] 1000miles completed and [2] Adidas and Lincolnshire Runner in Lincoln are sponsoring a new pair of shoes.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on FaceBook simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:
FaceBook 10k-everyday page,,
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Friday, 2 July 2010
A long day to run...
Blog from 26th May 2010:
Friday 21st May is 141 consecutive days & 1410 km covered.
Oxfords race was unusual in the sense of it being a tight course with loads sharp hair pin bends, difficult with 3500 people to keep a pace going or pass; or stay on your feet!
It was no surprise the lack of room coupled with an obscene amount of iron bollards claimed numerous victims whist runners responded to the crowd- I was glad to get round safely (47mins) but sorry, due to the hazards, not to see as much as Oxford as I'd wished.
The most positive element was of the Oxford run was meeting people. Pippa & Wendy were great company throughout the day which had a long drive down and up. We managed to link up with few of their Internet Forum Running Groups and old friends, taking the time to have a picnic in the main park of national heritage city after the race; it wasn't hard to imagine Edwardian type characters doing similar activities.
On reflection on the race I remembered a sub goal I wanted to do, which was to run in a race each month. However, I've found there is simply not enough time and money available to do everything. That said, I'd like to thank everyone who's being sending me invites to events and activities since I started this challenge and to keep letting me know what going on - I can't attend everything but I'm wanting to get involved where I can.
I've not got another race booked, but a holiday not too far away in Scotland. I'll need to increase the amount of 'hills runs' before we go and yes running on holiday is part of the challenge; …but wearing a kilt isn't!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
Friday 21st May is 141 consecutive days & 1410 km covered.
Oxfords race was unusual in the sense of it being a tight course with loads sharp hair pin bends, difficult with 3500 people to keep a pace going or pass; or stay on your feet!
It was no surprise the lack of room coupled with an obscene amount of iron bollards claimed numerous victims whist runners responded to the crowd- I was glad to get round safely (47mins) but sorry, due to the hazards, not to see as much as Oxford as I'd wished.
The most positive element was of the Oxford run was meeting people. Pippa & Wendy were great company throughout the day which had a long drive down and up. We managed to link up with few of their Internet Forum Running Groups and old friends, taking the time to have a picnic in the main park of national heritage city after the race; it wasn't hard to imagine Edwardian type characters doing similar activities.
On reflection on the race I remembered a sub goal I wanted to do, which was to run in a race each month. However, I've found there is simply not enough time and money available to do everything. That said, I'd like to thank everyone who's being sending me invites to events and activities since I started this challenge and to keep letting me know what going on - I can't attend everything but I'm wanting to get involved where I can.
I've not got another race booked, but a holiday not too far away in Scotland. I'll need to increase the amount of 'hills runs' before we go and yes running on holiday is part of the challenge; …but wearing a kilt isn't!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Breaking what's easiest..
Blog from 14th May 2010:
At 134 consecutive days running 10k every day I've covered 1340 km and riddled with hay fever.
To be completely honest I have noticed its easy for Days to drift together, Weeks can be over whelming and gone before I know it, Runs have become what ever is easiest to complete with little thought and the variety I meticulously planned has become a mono-pattern of two routes.
So, this last week has been a huge inspiration. I've had interviews with BBC Lincolnshire Radio and BBC Look North, the later followed me round one of regular runs.
However, there's no relief as the weekend means an early start – up at 5am as a group of us travel to take part in Oxford's Town & Gown 10k Race.
Oxford is one of our countries beautiful historical cities, it's just the kick I need to put some of the variety back into the challenge, not to get caught up too much in the day by day but keep focused on the heart of what's happening around me whilst the challenge is being done.
Variety is the spice of life and I hope to add more to the runs to come.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
At 134 consecutive days running 10k every day I've covered 1340 km and riddled with hay fever.
To be completely honest I have noticed its easy for Days to drift together, Weeks can be over whelming and gone before I know it, Runs have become what ever is easiest to complete with little thought and the variety I meticulously planned has become a mono-pattern of two routes.
So, this last week has been a huge inspiration. I've had interviews with BBC Lincolnshire Radio and BBC Look North, the later followed me round one of regular runs.
However, there's no relief as the weekend means an early start – up at 5am as a group of us travel to take part in Oxford's Town & Gown 10k Race.
Oxford is one of our countries beautiful historical cities, it's just the kick I need to put some of the variety back into the challenge, not to get caught up too much in the day by day but keep focused on the heart of what's happening around me whilst the challenge is being done.
Variety is the spice of life and I hope to add more to the runs to come.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
charity work,
for charity,
Tim Bridle
Unexpected reactions...
Blog from 5th May 2010
Each landmark in the challenge always gives me a boost and time to reflect, last week was no different being the 1/3 mark or 122 days (2nd May 2010).
This land mark had almost passed me by as I've been suffering with hay fever, making me congested and bunged up due to tree pollen.
And despite the planning, my hamstrings had really started to tighten up not making the running a problem only between each run I've had a constantly ache.
There's been no position or stretch that has relieved the constant all day ache, except when I'd start running again.
Having been so distracted with these two problems the 1/3 landmark might have gone unnoticed, but I'm grateful it didn't - the boost it brought couldn't been more timely time; its got me back into the frame of mind I need to continue the challenge.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Navigating ups & downs...
Blog from 30th April 2010:
April has been a mixed month in the challenge to run 10k everyday:
I reached 100 consecutive days and the weather changed to bring new troubles.
Saturday 10th April marked 1000 km for the first time I stepped out to run really feeling the sense of achievement.
From a personal point of view completing 100 consecutive days running was a major highlight and felt like the closing of a chapter on a few things like the hip injury I'd gained (unable to keep off my feet due the challenge had finally healed after 56 days); the barrage of cold, windy and rainy weather finally lifted and I am no longer running in the dark at 6pm. The most prominent aspect is the perception that had drifted into the challenge that this was a "new years resolution" or that it was a fad and not last the spring. After a number a slips and falls, coughs and sneezes, injuries and sickness I reached 100 days with everything resetting itself - fresh to start the next 100 days; only this time it was evident this challenge was for real.
Though its becoming a 'challenge' squeezing everything in. Its dawned me that I had drifted into a habit of doing most of my runs in the evenings. My wife working evenings, kids needing bathing and putting to bed, supper to be enjoyed and at some point run 10k!
The sunsets are a plus obviously with spring and the good weather however, there has suddenly been a really frustrating problem to resolve ... bugs ... and clouds of them.
They generally congregate at shoulder height, after a few km's I'm usually sweaty so they stick and then wriggle everywhere in my face and hair but the real problem is inhaling them; I need protein but yuk!
Maybe its the rushing about routine that is getting me frustrated about this problem, either way the goal when its hot has to be to get out in the morning - not an easy task as I am not an easy riser; so the gym with air-conditioning is top of the list.
The weather change has brought fantastic sunsets as well as given rise to me wearing shorts. The scene set, I've been thinking how fortunate I am to be doing the challenge as without the support from my wife, friends and neighboughs with our kids there would be no time for it. The unsung hero for me therefore is Penny, my wife, who puts up with me and helps me get ready or to plan runs around our work or kids social repertoire. The challenge doesn't stop with running as our time is also eaten away with the blogging and other media platforms or communications.
Thankfully I've had a few weeks that have been straight forward, a rarity, and its given me the chance to think of and thank those who make this challenge a reality - Thank You.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
April has been a mixed month in the challenge to run 10k everyday:
I reached 100 consecutive days and the weather changed to bring new troubles.
Saturday 10th April marked 1000 km for the first time I stepped out to run really feeling the sense of achievement.
From a personal point of view completing 100 consecutive days running was a major highlight and felt like the closing of a chapter on a few things like the hip injury I'd gained (unable to keep off my feet due the challenge had finally healed after 56 days); the barrage of cold, windy and rainy weather finally lifted and I am no longer running in the dark at 6pm. The most prominent aspect is the perception that had drifted into the challenge that this was a "new years resolution" or that it was a fad and not last the spring. After a number a slips and falls, coughs and sneezes, injuries and sickness I reached 100 days with everything resetting itself - fresh to start the next 100 days; only this time it was evident this challenge was for real.
Though its becoming a 'challenge' squeezing everything in. Its dawned me that I had drifted into a habit of doing most of my runs in the evenings. My wife working evenings, kids needing bathing and putting to bed, supper to be enjoyed and at some point run 10k!
The sunsets are a plus obviously with spring and the good weather however, there has suddenly been a really frustrating problem to resolve ... bugs ... and clouds of them.
They generally congregate at shoulder height, after a few km's I'm usually sweaty so they stick and then wriggle everywhere in my face and hair but the real problem is inhaling them; I need protein but yuk!
Maybe its the rushing about routine that is getting me frustrated about this problem, either way the goal when its hot has to be to get out in the morning - not an easy task as I am not an easy riser; so the gym with air-conditioning is top of the list.
The weather change has brought fantastic sunsets as well as given rise to me wearing shorts. The scene set, I've been thinking how fortunate I am to be doing the challenge as without the support from my wife, friends and neighboughs with our kids there would be no time for it. The unsung hero for me therefore is Penny, my wife, who puts up with me and helps me get ready or to plan runs around our work or kids social repertoire. The challenge doesn't stop with running as our time is also eaten away with the blogging and other media platforms or communications.
Thankfully I've had a few weeks that have been straight forward, a rarity, and its given me the chance to think of and thank those who make this challenge a reality - Thank You.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Bite size chunks...
Blog from 10 April 2010
Like most years time seems to rush by and in many ways the New Year only seems like the other week. This year is no different except I've run everyday and as a result known exactly how long ago the New Year was.
March finished on Wednesday marking 90 consecutive days and 1/4 of this running challenge completed.
In this time I've had a number of ups and downs, external pressures and problems to overcome but I wouldn't be without them; if it was easy everyone would do it, if it was easy it wouldn't have or be of interest.
Like all big aims, goals and challenges, it can be overwhelming with the scale of it. Personally I make little steps and bite sized chunks out of the challenge which helps me keep focused, staying the moment and not looking too far ahead. So continuing the momentum on from last week and Lincoln's 10k, I've gained a new enthusiasm knowing how far I've come, the weathers ... getting better and there's a 1000km party (10th April) about the challenge to let my hair down at the Ramada; I've also lost 2 stone - personally feel fitter and mentally healthier from having about 60mins of personal time a day.
The challenge however doesn't stop at 60mins a day, trying to raise awareness and money for cancer research adds about 4 or 5 hours per week - something I hadn't thought would be so hard and time consuming.
The challenge is about completing the distance and then doing it the next day so I'm not bothered about time, however at times it's nice to put a quick run in. One of the aspects I really enjoy is running with different people and this week I ran with the Journals Photographer, Toby. He's not run for a bit but we completed the distance and generally caught up, as we've been friends for years.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
Like most years time seems to rush by and in many ways the New Year only seems like the other week. This year is no different except I've run everyday and as a result known exactly how long ago the New Year was.
March finished on Wednesday marking 90 consecutive days and 1/4 of this running challenge completed.
In this time I've had a number of ups and downs, external pressures and problems to overcome but I wouldn't be without them; if it was easy everyone would do it, if it was easy it wouldn't have or be of interest.
Like all big aims, goals and challenges, it can be overwhelming with the scale of it. Personally I make little steps and bite sized chunks out of the challenge which helps me keep focused, staying the moment and not looking too far ahead. So continuing the momentum on from last week and Lincoln's 10k, I've gained a new enthusiasm knowing how far I've come, the weathers ... getting better and there's a 1000km party (10th April) about the challenge to let my hair down at the Ramada; I've also lost 2 stone - personally feel fitter and mentally healthier from having about 60mins of personal time a day.
The challenge however doesn't stop at 60mins a day, trying to raise awareness and money for cancer research adds about 4 or 5 hours per week - something I hadn't thought would be so hard and time consuming.
The challenge is about completing the distance and then doing it the next day so I'm not bothered about time, however at times it's nice to put a quick run in. One of the aspects I really enjoy is running with different people and this week I ran with the Journals Photographer, Toby. He's not run for a bit but we completed the distance and generally caught up, as we've been friends for years.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
Tim Bridle
Soup for the soul...
Blog from 25 March 2010
This week I've been riding the atmosphere and experience of my first 10k race this year at Lincoln on Sunday 21st March, there was little the weather or anything else that could do to dampen my spirits.
There had been about 5000 people running in last Sundays event. The spectators enthusiasm and encouragement poured on to all competitors, helping us find that little more in ourselves to give to the race.
I saw a few types of runners on the day, noticed there were different levels of "dressed for fun to raise money" such as Lincoln Imps, Cartoon Heros or Animation characters and others who "were on a mission" not always spotted by their facial expression but their determination was hard to miss as they barged past others or tried to protect their position!
In all honesty I found both types very entertaining and although I was running the 10k with them, it was hard work sticking to the pace and strategy I had planned for the challenge of running 10k-everyday. I couldn't afford too much lactic acid build up by exerting myself, but it was so easy to be pulled along with the race which was
noticeable as I finished quicker than planned.
The Lincoln 10k has given me a boost and I think there can be a lot said for running in a group, whether 2, 5 or 5000 - thanks to everyone who went it was a great day ... where's the next one.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at: &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
This week I've been riding the atmosphere and experience of my first 10k race this year at Lincoln on Sunday 21st March, there was little the weather or anything else that could do to dampen my spirits.
There had been about 5000 people running in last Sundays event. The spectators enthusiasm and encouragement poured on to all competitors, helping us find that little more in ourselves to give to the race.
I saw a few types of runners on the day, noticed there were different levels of "dressed for fun to raise money" such as Lincoln Imps, Cartoon Heros or Animation characters and others who "were on a mission" not always spotted by their facial expression but their determination was hard to miss as they barged past others or tried to protect their position!
In all honesty I found both types very entertaining and although I was running the 10k with them, it was hard work sticking to the pace and strategy I had planned for the challenge of running 10k-everyday. I couldn't afford too much lactic acid build up by exerting myself, but it was so easy to be pulled along with the race which was
noticeable as I finished quicker than planned.
The Lincoln 10k has given me a boost and I think there can be a lot said for running in a group, whether 2, 5 or 5000 - thanks to everyone who went it was a great day ... where's the next one.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at: &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
Lincoln 10k,
Tim Bridle
Whatever it takes...
Blog from 20 March 2010
I've made 80 consecutive runs in my challenge to run 10k everyday, focusing on the activity & generally considering the weather to be the worst external factor to contend with. After a recent bout of 'food poisoning' last week I was brought to a swift reality that it wouldn't take much to halt this challenge.
I'd identified & devised answers to almost every problem except what would happen when I got sick.
Seeing winter finish brought clear blue skys and superb sunsets, the external conditions had become great with the contrast of me facing internal troubles. Sudden tiredness & fatigue, as well as craving for sleep had meant I neglected my diet.
I knew this as I had been monitoring my aches, pains and weight regularly to spot any additional dietary requirements.
In this case, I've not maintained a balanced diet or eaten enough calories to repair & of nutritional fuel value. Having lost lb/day for 4 days meant I needed to eat loads of protein, which I did & bounced back straight away –aches gone, I felt brilliant and energised.
It would seem however that fate had a sense of irony as a few days after my protein over load I developed 'food poisoning.' I'm sure many have experienced it, for me I was left exhausted, dehydrated and weak. The question to "how would I cope when I got sick" was getting answered.
Once over the initial sickness, my recovery was time dependent. On Facebook, through the following morning a number of people said I shouldn't do it & most thought the answer for the challenge would be to add a day on at the end of the year to compensate. I understood what was being said but I thought it wasn't in the essence of the challenge. When I had mustered enough energy at 520pm, I set out on a public route to complete 10km what ever it took.
Starting as a brisk walk I covered the 3km without incident averaging 9:30mins/ km by the Garmin watch. However from then on in, my strength dropped rapidly & at 6km I'd averaged 11mins/km with every step hurting. I'd had been listening hard to the music on my MP3 player, having turned the volume up to distract & focus me on something other than the pain of moving. I was nearing home & I could barely hear the music as I couldn't escape how much I hurt, I grouped myself together to complete the last 500m positively - which was a reaction to stopping with tears running down my face at 9.2km; I finished in 1hr 56mins.
Feeling brittle the next day & like getting back on a bike after a heavy fall, I stepped out apprehensive & uncomfortable after the ordeal the day before.
I kept to the challenge through the hardest test so far, leaving me cautious in regards to my health.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
I've made 80 consecutive runs in my challenge to run 10k everyday, focusing on the activity & generally considering the weather to be the worst external factor to contend with. After a recent bout of 'food poisoning' last week I was brought to a swift reality that it wouldn't take much to halt this challenge.
I'd identified & devised answers to almost every problem except what would happen when I got sick.
Seeing winter finish brought clear blue skys and superb sunsets, the external conditions had become great with the contrast of me facing internal troubles. Sudden tiredness & fatigue, as well as craving for sleep had meant I neglected my diet.
I knew this as I had been monitoring my aches, pains and weight regularly to spot any additional dietary requirements.
In this case, I've not maintained a balanced diet or eaten enough calories to repair & of nutritional fuel value. Having lost lb/day for 4 days meant I needed to eat loads of protein, which I did & bounced back straight away –aches gone, I felt brilliant and energised.
It would seem however that fate had a sense of irony as a few days after my protein over load I developed 'food poisoning.' I'm sure many have experienced it, for me I was left exhausted, dehydrated and weak. The question to "how would I cope when I got sick" was getting answered.
Once over the initial sickness, my recovery was time dependent. On Facebook, through the following morning a number of people said I shouldn't do it & most thought the answer for the challenge would be to add a day on at the end of the year to compensate. I understood what was being said but I thought it wasn't in the essence of the challenge. When I had mustered enough energy at 520pm, I set out on a public route to complete 10km what ever it took.
Starting as a brisk walk I covered the 3km without incident averaging 9:30mins/ km by the Garmin watch. However from then on in, my strength dropped rapidly & at 6km I'd averaged 11mins/km with every step hurting. I'd had been listening hard to the music on my MP3 player, having turned the volume up to distract & focus me on something other than the pain of moving. I was nearing home & I could barely hear the music as I couldn't escape how much I hurt, I grouped myself together to complete the last 500m positively - which was a reaction to stopping with tears running down my face at 9.2km; I finished in 1hr 56mins.
Feeling brittle the next day & like getting back on a bike after a heavy fall, I stepped out apprehensive & uncomfortable after the ordeal the day before.
I kept to the challenge through the hardest test so far, leaving me cautious in regards to my health.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
Tim Bridle
Monday, 22 February 2010
Not a game of Perfect...
Yesterday was day 52 making it 1/7th of my challenge, strangely this time next week will mark two months and be 1/6th of the challenge which has taught me quite a bit already - bi-products of simply running 10k everyday.
“Not a game of perfect” is one of my favourite phrases, as it helps me keep focused when things haven't gone as planned; it also reminds me when things don't go right that the goal isn't ruined or spoilt, or unachievable only different than you'd preferred.
The purpose of me bringing it up now is that there have been a number of things I'd have liked to do within this challenge but haven't happened. I also feel really guilty with all the invites I've received for runs, socials and events but not been able to attend.
At this point in the challenge I should have maintained my nutritious diet, run 2 of the 10k race per month idea, regularly run with others and achieved about £1k in sponsorship. However, like all the 'best laid plans' I've not achieved these. Meaning I've run mostly on my own, I'm not going to be able to do a 10k race in each month and my diet has faltered leaving me at times tired and cranky. I suspected the sponsorship would be hard through January & February so I know I'm going to need some help to get this back on track; the diet thing I've already adjusted and is pretty straight forward.
I'm not disheartened of the short comings I've honestly listed. They haven't stopped me, the challenge or the goal to support cancer research – they're nice to haves' but its not a game of perfect. I realise there will be plenty of distractions and things I would like to do along this journey but due to practicalities, making time for them to happen is not always possible. There's a fine line when juggling and getting the important areas right such as family and work before making 10k everyday happen.
I've had to learn therefore, how to say “no” to myself and others because the practicalities of some of things I could or would like to get involved in could take me away from ultimately achieving and juggling what I set out to do.
I mentioned before a rediscovery of “ME” time through this challenge but I feel its only as effective as knowing when to say “no” and its not always going to be perfect.
Thank you to all those who have invited me to runs, socials and events – please keep asking and contacting me … I can't make all of them but some will be perfect timing!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
“Not a game of perfect” is one of my favourite phrases, as it helps me keep focused when things haven't gone as planned; it also reminds me when things don't go right that the goal isn't ruined or spoilt, or unachievable only different than you'd preferred.
The purpose of me bringing it up now is that there have been a number of things I'd have liked to do within this challenge but haven't happened. I also feel really guilty with all the invites I've received for runs, socials and events but not been able to attend.
At this point in the challenge I should have maintained my nutritious diet, run 2 of the 10k race per month idea, regularly run with others and achieved about £1k in sponsorship. However, like all the 'best laid plans' I've not achieved these. Meaning I've run mostly on my own, I'm not going to be able to do a 10k race in each month and my diet has faltered leaving me at times tired and cranky. I suspected the sponsorship would be hard through January & February so I know I'm going to need some help to get this back on track; the diet thing I've already adjusted and is pretty straight forward.
I'm not disheartened of the short comings I've honestly listed. They haven't stopped me, the challenge or the goal to support cancer research – they're nice to haves' but its not a game of perfect. I realise there will be plenty of distractions and things I would like to do along this journey but due to practicalities, making time for them to happen is not always possible. There's a fine line when juggling and getting the important areas right such as family and work before making 10k everyday happen.
I've had to learn therefore, how to say “no” to myself and others because the practicalities of some of things I could or would like to get involved in could take me away from ultimately achieving and juggling what I set out to do.
I mentioned before a rediscovery of “ME” time through this challenge but I feel its only as effective as knowing when to say “no” and its not always going to be perfect.
Thank you to all those who have invited me to runs, socials and events – please keep asking and contacting me … I can't make all of them but some will be perfect timing!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Thursday, 11 February 2010
miles in new shoes...
They say to understand someone 'walk a mile in their shoes', well not being a runner & having bought two new pairs at the start of my challenge to run 10k everyday – it could be said I've been running in the shoes of the 'new me' & by extension understand him better!
In the distance I've worn these shoes, I've observed and become aware of a phenomena that I believe we usually take for granted - “ME” time.
Yes I'm running 10k everyday for Cancer Research but I'll confess fitting 60mins in everyday to run 10km is not easy; with two kids, a wife and work to satisfy. In 'having' to do it, I've become very aware of how easy it is to lose personal time and also fill time with stuff.
Although I'd be running, like many people I'd soon be in a little bubble & a world of my own as the time & kilometres built up. And whilst out on my regular running I'd come across a few people who were clearly enjoying being in their own bubble; every now and again one of them would be so deep, they'd jump when I passed.
The regularity of this observation, as well as enjoying and finding my self in the bubble lead me to realise with planning to run everyday, I'd come to value these runs as “ME” time. Pondering on this thought when out on a 10k the other day, I found myself wishing I'd planned a little “ME” time more often before – whether it be 20, 30 or 60 minutes to lose yourself however the amount of time I concluded was not as important as the regularity of it. I also came to the conclusion that doing the same thing in the same laborious environment wasn't really “ME” time.
Last Tuesday I ran on the Treadmill, not because I had to but to do something & be somewhere different. I found the run after back on the road very enjoyable, as was the Treadmill run the night before but for different reasons. In addition, I've found the community of 'runners' really welcoming, warm and great to be around – though its nice to meet and run with different groups every now and then, I also like the bubble found in my own company from time to time.
With the above in mind I'd like to change & add to the answer I've given to “Do you feel any different for doing the challenge?” with, I feel physically better for the exercise with the exception of 'odd' days but feel equally healthier for having regular “ME” time and space.
At this point then, I value and recognise the time taken in the task has a byproduct of providing me with some “ME” time – to de-stress, ponder & explore solutions for home & work, but most all to let go and dream. That's it for now and I wish that you find, or make an equal measure of “ME” time.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
In the distance I've worn these shoes, I've observed and become aware of a phenomena that I believe we usually take for granted - “ME” time.
Yes I'm running 10k everyday for Cancer Research but I'll confess fitting 60mins in everyday to run 10km is not easy; with two kids, a wife and work to satisfy. In 'having' to do it, I've become very aware of how easy it is to lose personal time and also fill time with stuff.
Although I'd be running, like many people I'd soon be in a little bubble & a world of my own as the time & kilometres built up. And whilst out on my regular running I'd come across a few people who were clearly enjoying being in their own bubble; every now and again one of them would be so deep, they'd jump when I passed.
The regularity of this observation, as well as enjoying and finding my self in the bubble lead me to realise with planning to run everyday, I'd come to value these runs as “ME” time. Pondering on this thought when out on a 10k the other day, I found myself wishing I'd planned a little “ME” time more often before – whether it be 20, 30 or 60 minutes to lose yourself however the amount of time I concluded was not as important as the regularity of it. I also came to the conclusion that doing the same thing in the same laborious environment wasn't really “ME” time.
Last Tuesday I ran on the Treadmill, not because I had to but to do something & be somewhere different. I found the run after back on the road very enjoyable, as was the Treadmill run the night before but for different reasons. In addition, I've found the community of 'runners' really welcoming, warm and great to be around – though its nice to meet and run with different groups every now and then, I also like the bubble found in my own company from time to time.
With the above in mind I'd like to change & add to the answer I've given to “Do you feel any different for doing the challenge?” with, I feel physically better for the exercise with the exception of 'odd' days but feel equally healthier for having regular “ME” time and space.
At this point then, I value and recognise the time taken in the task has a byproduct of providing me with some “ME” time – to de-stress, ponder & explore solutions for home & work, but most all to let go and dream. That's it for now and I wish that you find, or make an equal measure of “ME” time.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved - it's as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Show spirit...
Yesterday marked 300km completed of my challenge to run 10k everyday & Monday 1st February is the 200mile mark. This week had a number of milestones, the one that closed the month, a good time to reflect and share the unsaid.
I've been very thankful for the support, donations, comments and following on the challenges I've faced so far. Completing the first month & 1/12th of the journey is very gratifying generally, made sweeter when I think back to the direct criticisms I received like: “it's not possible”, “there's a reason why its not been done before” and my favourite “you won't last a month”; which has been answered this weekend.
This week has been a good week starting with the Primary School Athletic event Monday 25th Jan. I'd been asked by Joyce Bundy to present the medals and I arrived early to watch the competition. It was great to see the spirit to achieve in each of them, pouring their energy into their event or supporting their team, attitudes that would serve them well in the future.
The picture here is of a school team who came to talk to me, sharing their enthusiasm and that their class were following and mapping my challenge as a project.
Their request for a photo & words caught my breath, like many moments over the past 4 weeks when people had contacted me directly sharing their stories about cancer affecting their friends & relatives; and that the challenge had been a reminder of the spirit their loved ones had shown.
The geographical length and breath of these stories has been another point that has taken me by surprise. The support, comments and friendship for the challenge to date has stretched beyond my home shores of Britain to: Canada, India, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Africa & USA (Texas, Atlanta, New York, LA & Chicago).
Thinking closer to home, this week I also was able to run with Grantham Athletics Club Road Team as I did on the first day. They plus the other people who I've been able to join through the month have really helped to put this challenge on literally a good footing.
Thank you to everyone who's got involved this month and I look forward to challenges in the next. That's it for now, I'm going to get ready for the next run – unfortunately with a bad ankle still.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved -its as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept.
I hope the momentum for goals and plans you made for the New Year are continuing. Good luck with any challenges you have planned. Be well, Tim
I've been very thankful for the support, donations, comments and following on the challenges I've faced so far. Completing the first month & 1/12th of the journey is very gratifying generally, made sweeter when I think back to the direct criticisms I received like: “it's not possible”, “there's a reason why its not been done before” and my favourite “you won't last a month”; which has been answered this weekend.
This week has been a good week starting with the Primary School Athletic event Monday 25th Jan. I'd been asked by Joyce Bundy to present the medals and I arrived early to watch the competition. It was great to see the spirit to achieve in each of them, pouring their energy into their event or supporting their team, attitudes that would serve them well in the future.
The picture here is of a school team who came to talk to me, sharing their enthusiasm and that their class were following and mapping my challenge as a project.
Their request for a photo & words caught my breath, like many moments over the past 4 weeks when people had contacted me directly sharing their stories about cancer affecting their friends & relatives; and that the challenge had been a reminder of the spirit their loved ones had shown.
The geographical length and breath of these stories has been another point that has taken me by surprise. The support, comments and friendship for the challenge to date has stretched beyond my home shores of Britain to: Canada, India, Spain, Greece, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, Africa & USA (Texas, Atlanta, New York, LA & Chicago).
Thinking closer to home, this week I also was able to run with Grantham Athletics Club Road Team as I did on the first day. They plus the other people who I've been able to join through the month have really helped to put this challenge on literally a good footing.
Thank you to everyone who's got involved this month and I look forward to challenges in the next. That's it for now, I'm going to get ready for the next run – unfortunately with a bad ankle still.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved -its as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept.
I hope the momentum for goals and plans you made for the New Year are continuing. Good luck with any challenges you have planned. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Monday, 18 January 2010
A bird set free...
The weather since I started my challenge of running 10km everyday has been exceptionally bad and nicely named “Frozen Britain”. In sixteen days I'd managed eight runs outside, one was the hardest run I had ever done – ironically it was 13th. Wednesday 13th Jan was “the big freeze” in the UK turning all the snow slush & any water, everywhere to ice – surfaces that looked a little wet were in fact black ice.
I had agreed to go running early with a friend that day, not knowing it would turn out to be the run from hell. We thought once we got going and the light got better we would be ok so long as we kept to the grass next to the paths, but nowhere was save. It took us 24mins to do 3km and I slipped on black ice to bang my knee on the pavement - so we ran in the local park, named Queen Elizabeth. It was not much better I slipped, slid and never managed to get a posture or pace to run, energy drained from us on every step and we completed the last 7km in 53mins - the same time it would have taken us to do 10km usually.
The following day I went back to the treadmill with my tail between my legs. In honesty my knee was sore and swollen, my confidence wilted, the careful planning flummoxed and all this in one morning. The banged knee ached and requiring more time to get going, as the joint needed more time to warm and loosen up – time I didn't have as fitting the challenge in generally was proving to be harder than I'd originally thought.
Running on a treadmill was torture and harder mentally with a distance like 10km. Your surroundings never change, the air stands still neither helping to cool or remain fresh and you're reminded of every second, every 100th of a km as it ever so slowly clocks up your distance. Each of the runs on the treadmill had lead to frustration a symptom due to the injured knee & monotony but caused by boredom - trapped for about 60mins.
The frustration & knee gnawed at me so when I woke Friday morning to find the drizzle over night had almost eradicated the ice & snow, it left me in a state of trepidation. Finally, I could go outside but how long would my knee let me run, would it get worse and would it halt the challenge.
Saturday 16th January was a landmark day, representing a distance covered of 100 miles; to me personally it represented completing the first challenge in the journey of 10k everyday – the weather with only a sore knee and bruised confidence to show for it.
Having completed and decided Saturdays run had gone better than I had anticipated, I stepped outside on Sunday with a sense of urgency. Yes my knee hurt but it soon loosened off and it seemed to getting better. Listening to my MP3 player and letting go to being outside after 8 days cooped up on the treadmill, I began to feel my quads in my legs hardening and swelling. I tried to pick up me knees but they felt brittle slow – I looked at my Garmin watch in search of some clues and answers which came in the form of the reading 4:05min/km. I'd been running free like a bird, careless to the surroundings and my embraced freedom which had flown me straight into a trap –I'd not controlled my pace. Having run for nearly 8km at an average of 4.05mins/km the Lactic Acid had built up in my legs, the very thing I'd planned to avoid had happened – I'd gone for too long at a pace that would inhibit my performance the next day. No matter how much I stretched or tried to work the lactic off, Mondays run was going to be hard and painful.
Well today's Monday and as I could not delay running to later in the day due to commitments, I ran early which always gave little time for my muscles to recover but after Sundays run and the excessive lactic build up – meant this morning was torture. I endured this morning with a plan to run as late as possible Tuesday thus giving the most rest before exercising again.
This weekend I walked away with some sore legs and a few lessons learnt:
[1] enjoy running free from time to time but keep an eye on how free you run, too free could jeopardise those freedoms.
[2] No matter the challenges or plans we make be careful with the activities that distract us from the purpose of them.
That's it for now, I'm going to soothe these sore legs of mine in a hot bath. The weather reports seem good for the coming week, so I'm looking forward to being out … as planned!
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved -its as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept.
Good luck will any goals or challenges you have planned. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Saturday, 9 January 2010
A venture across country...
The 9th run of my challenge to run 10k everyday was at Belton Park, a National Trust location of a beautiful 240 acres.
Belton Park has a collection of meandering streams, idyllic ponds, long driveway leading to a stately home with an array of wildlife; all covered today in a blanket of snow.
The run was slow today due to the terrain but I was glad to have the company of Mark Gray, a long standing friend. The snow meant having to pick up our feet a little more than usual, but to be honest the run became secondary to the scenery & wildlife.
Thankful of the Garmin Forerunner405 that GPS'ed our run & informed us of our distance and progress, it was clear we had been distracted by our surroundings when the watch read 10.1km and we were 0.7km from our cars.
I'm loving the journey and challenge with moments and runs like today - but everyday day I love the subtle ache after exercise, the hot bath and the feeling of accomplishment.
That's it for now, todays run has been a real release from 5 days stuck on a treadmill. Tomorrow I'm considering running along the canal, with this snow it too should be beautiful.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved -its as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept.
Good luck will any goals or challenges you have planned. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
Belton Park,
cancer research,
The Big Freeze,
Tim Bridle
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
An unexpected bitter pill...
“...Popeye is a cartoon character Tim, he's not real – supermarkets don't do canned spinach!” was the reply my wife gave me when grocery shopping for the dietary requirements I needed to do my challenge of running 10k everyday. Thankfully you do get canned spinach, we'd bought the salad spinach but I was dreading the expense if it wasn't available in a can too.
Our shopping was due to the developments of my pondering over Christmas, which in honesty generally includes indulgences of food and drink. I'd found myself in the week leading up to the New Year thinking more & more about the sort of diet I would need during this challenge. Gradually my thinking lead me to knowing I would need help on the nutritional aspects and I suddenly realised this would play a greater role in ensuring I could complete this challenge. So I'd gone in search of a nutritionist, someone with experience in endurance events & their personal experience of endurance was high on my list. I found a recently appointed Triathlete Coach & Personal Trainer Stef Lawrence, who's got involved in Coaching & Training following his successes of always finishing in the top 6 of the Triathlons he enters.
My meetings with Stef had confirmed the nutritional requirements of the challenge were unique, where many sports people & athletes load up on nutrients a few days before & or after events to support their body; I would not have that privilege. I'd be continually putting demands on my body that needed to be repaired & recovered between runs everyday. This meant having a sound nutritional diet to maintain performance, my body and support my immune system.
I had originally thought I would be on a non-lenient, strict diet and to be honest its that part I knew would drain on me – I'd need a lot of support to keep to that sort of diet. You can imagine my surprise when Stef advised me I should continue to have my treats, such as take aways of Indian, Chinese, Thai and so on; only roughly knowing what I was eating, how it benefits me & the challenge. Knowing the benefits really meant “their nutritional value” and we spoke quite a bit about calories, food sources and what I nicknamed “dead calories” which are calories in chocolates, crisps & other such snack food & of no nutritional value.
The focus of the diet was simply a “balanced one of calorie percentages”: 60% Carbohydrates, 25% Fat and 15% Protein. The really interesting part came when discussing what to buy. As it turns out the most common diet mistakes is calculating a balanced diet, as mentioned above but using “grammes”. Apparently, its an easy & common mistake because supermarkets & manufacturers provide 100g label illustrations on their food about its content. The problem occurs when reading a label like this Fish Finger one:
As sold per 100g provides, Protein 10.5g, Carbohydrates 22.2g, Fat 17.5g, Fibre 0.6g & Sodium 1.4g
This totals 51.2g, so the remaining 48.8g will be water as it is frozen. One might think as it read “per 100g” that there's 17.5% Fat, however water doesn't count so it is in-fact 34.18% of the nutritional weight but not its nutrition or Kcalorie value. I learnt that the rough calories value of Carbohydrates per gramme is 4, Protein is 4 and Fat is 9. Making these Fish Fingers actually having a Kcal content of 88.8 Carbs (36.7%), 157.5 Fat (65.2%) & 42 Protein (17.4%); Fibre will pass through & sodium will dehydrate as we'd have lost most of the water cooking.
The answer to this Fish Finger meal problem for me would be to have loads of vegetables, but what? I learnt generally any food rich in colour light or dark are high in nutritional content like peppers, chillies and so on but dark greens are the best (cabbage, brussel sprouts, spinach (to replace lettuce, as it mostly fibre), broccoli, watercress etc.). Spinach is a 1st Class food and a great replacement for lettuce in salads or generally adding spinach to meals as it contains a lot of Iron which helps boost the immune system.
As marvellous as all the science behind food was, it still left me with what to eat & how much. Stef explained getting enough Protein was going be the big problem, based on the demand I was going to be putting on my body, it will be breaking down muscle during each event but if I didn't feed that need it would continue taking just to repair itself. He confirmed this challenge will change my body type and keeping healthy specifically in regards to Protein & watching my weight loss was important.
Until this point I'd been mostly concerned about injury as being the main point stopping me on this challenge and I knew that my body would change a little, mostly for the better I'd hoped – so I'm left with an unexpected bitter pill to swallow, feeling worried and nervous that my body type could dramatically change and my body giving way due to nutritional aspects causing illness, heavy fatigue and with fatigue mood swings. Although I'm loving the challenge at the moment 6 days in, however I feel I'm going to learn a lot about myself over the months to come.
That's it for now, I'll share a bit about how I've translated the nutritional demands into meals another time. Thank you for all the comments on the Face Book page, private emails, pip-ping car horns over last weekend.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea and encouraging others to get involved -its as good as donating. If you're on Face Book simply type “10k everyday” in the search bar.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept.
Good luck will any goals or challenges you have planned. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Tim Bridle
Friday, 1 January 2010
The Start ... & a New Year
“...are you feeling really nervous right now as you're about to start on this giant challenge?” was the opening question from Jake the BBC TV Look North News Reporter, as we stood outside the hotel and starting point of 10k everyday.
The day had started like any other, except I'd got a little lie-in and the phone rang whilst I made the tea for both my wife & I; Penny was holding on to the night and fighting the light drifting through the curtains by hiding in bed waiting for her tea. She was going to have to wait for the tea though because BBC Radio Lincolnshire was on the phone wanting a live catch about my challenge & the first run. The time between 08:45, BBC Radio Lincs phone call, and 10:30am moved swiftly and no sooner had we got our daughters ready was it time to de-freeze the car, loosen up before going to the starting point for 11:10am.
I didn't know what to expect, I wasn't nervous but there was an electric energy about the moment and an excitement to know what was going to happen. When I arrived at the hotel all was quite, no-one around and I wondered what had happened to everyone. As I got to the hotel the automatic doors opened and … a video camera was the first thing I saw. Stepping forward was a photographer I recognised and he seized the moment, & video camera for an interview before more people arrived.
Shortly after running round corners for action shots, the hotels Assistant Manager came out and I suddenly noticed heads popping up around the car park obviously ready for a run. Before I knew it I was taking my jacket off again for an video interview with a new reporter and being advised they'd be following me on the route. Finding a personal moment was difficult, I seemed to move from audience to audience never quite achieving the space or time to warm up. Time was quickly passing through my fingers like water -although on this day despite the sunny sky it would have frozen soon after slipping through them, the air had a nip to it and steam curled replacing each breath. I'd cooled down considerably as I was having to take my jacket off for each interview so that the 10k-everyday T-shirt was present & visible. I eventually worked my way to a little space & time to gather my head & warm up.
Having determined the running strategy to warm up and cool down in the run, mobility stretching had been the style of the warmup routine. I heard a remark “the ministry of silly warm ups” and I caught the eye of who'd made the remark, smiled and continued to chuckle as I couldn't get rid of a vision of John Cleese 10k with me in the fashion of “the ministry of silly walks”.
Making a quick scan of the crowd at the front of the hotel I became aware that I hadn't seen Lady Sarah McCorquodale and 12noon was not too far away. As if the Road Running Captain read my mind, he spoke quietly saying “Lady Sarah McCorquodale's here, I'm sure you'll recognise who she is – though I know you might not have met.” Intrigued I looked round, casually as you do (!) and suddenly remembered how she had described her Sheriffs Uniform and why Paul had worded his reassurance as he had. With a warm smile, that seemed to heat the hold off the nip in the air, she asked if I were Tim and we greeted. Obviously the press didn't wait long for an interview with her but I was thankful to meet her husband and speak with them briefly before we had to start the challenge.
We all lined up under the arches of the hotel entrance, the horn sounded and then we were away, onlookers cheering and clapping. The run went really well and I enjoyed taking time to view the points which I had chosen for the route, with a light blue sunny sky back drop. We ran 6.5miles, 10k is 6.2miles and my companions kept the pace to the end – leaving me as I slowed into my cool down in the last mile so that at the end, they were lined in a tunnel to celebrate.
Thank you to all those who came to support this challenge today. The interest, friendliness and support of the media and the cheers & encouragement made the start of this challenge special.
Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2010 brings all you wish for.
Please take the time to share the 10k-everyday idea, Become a Fan and encouraging others to following is as good as donating.
You can find micro blogging of this challenge at:,,, &
Send a friend request with 10k-everyday in it and I'll accept.
I hope all that read this have a great New Year, that your wishes and challenges come true. Be well, Tim
10k everyday,
10k running,
cancer research,
Sarah McCorquodale,
Tim Bridle
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